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Sculptor . Oxidization Artists

After receiving a BFA in Sculpture from East Carolina University Kimberly returned home to Durham, NC to continue my work in metal casting and fabrication.

Her early works meld the physical appearance of human and animal while giving recognition to the soul that once inhabited these vessels. While working with this series she grew a fascination of the human form in its raw appeal and began to study more on sculpting the female form and its inherent beauty and erotic nature.


While working with metal and the unavoidable outcome of rust Kimberly began to explore the oxidization process of metals when combined with fiber.

"When beginning a new piece its freeing to leave your mind open to allow the materials to take on the aesthetic that they choose as oxidization often has a mind of it's own. I've come to find the joy of working along side your materials and not forcing an outcome."

After moving to Jersey City, NJ, Kimberly jumped into the world of ceramics where this earthly material worked its way into her practice. Marrying the fascination of the animal and human form with this new ceramic adventure has been fully encompassing for her as she continues to explore this new avenue. 

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